Friends Of Fareham Community Hospital
Friends Of Fareham Community Hospital

Alderman Brian Bayford

February 2024

Brian sadly passed away at QA Hospital early on Friday morning, 9th February.   
Brian was awarded the first Queens Scout award in 1953, the highest scouting honour. His involvement with the NHS goes back many years - long before he and Susan became a partnership,  He was a manager in regional HA offices in Winchester, after which he became the manager at Coldeast Hospital right up until its closure.
Brian was also a very strong supporter of the Community Hospital, having been involved in its planning all those years ago, and was one of our Patrons.  Brian was also a local Councillor and was Mayor in 2010 – 2011.  When Susan became Mayor in May 2018,  Brian was her consort. On 14th June 2018, in recognition of his services to Fareham, he was bestowed with the title of Honorary Alderman.

Paul Victor Cope

1937 – 2015

Treasurer, Trustee and Committee Member FFCH

Paul had been a founder member and Trustee of the Friends of the Hospital since we started in 2010. He was one of a small group of people who were key in getting us started, and was at our inaugural meeting before the official opening of the Hospital in 2010.

He was committed and meticulous in everything he did for us. He managed our Website, dealt with the Charity Commission, helped with publicity, undertook unofficial photography duties and of course dealt with all the tasks involved in being our Treasurer.

He died peacefully at home in January, and is sadly missed by us all for his friendship, experience, steadfastness and humour. Our condolences and thoughts are with his family at this sad time.

Jill Sadler: Chair, Friends of Fareham Community Hospital.

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Charity Reg 1144072 . Site update 07 August 2024